Tuesday, August 14, 2007

almost done!!!!!

in just a few minutes, katie and i will be headed to the train station.

then we will be on a train for around... 14 hours? we are going back to paris. we will arrive there at like, 6:45am, and then katie flys back home around 1:30 and i leave for scotland around 3:30. i am very excited to see the scottish people one last time (at least for a while, i will certainly see them again after this) and then to be home on friday.

yayyyayy for being home on friday.
i get back around 1.30 and plan on staying awake that entire day.

i miss everyone right now.
florida people, scad people, scottish people, and dog people (miles and lucy).

i have seen lots of beagles on my travels.

see all of you people that i miss soon!!!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

hola chikas!


yep, be very happy. i have uploaded a whopping 7 photos to my flickr.
it is just too hard to deal with right now, but perhaps i will do more while here in barcelona, perhaps not. i say this because there is free internet so i certainly COULD but it seriously takes ages, and i know it it'll be wayyyyy fast to do when i get home.

also, this computer is all in spanish and i get confused (rightfully so, i don't speak spanish).

but it's superrr pretty here. we went to the beach today. it is dirtier water than in nice, but barcelona itself is very clean. but nice was super dirty and nasty, but the water was beautiful.
this water has trash in it and stuff.

katie can speak spanish. it's awesome.
this keyboard is pretty much regular and i love it.
i miss my powerbook. haha.

i will be home on fridayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yayyayyyyyyy! i am seriously having such a wonderful time though, and God is doing awesome things in my life, but i am really looking forward to coming home and being home for a few weeks.

i love this though.
love it.

love love love love v;lksdajfoiweflove!


Saturday, August 11, 2007

i am in nice and it's nice.

hello hello hello!!!

i have 15 minutes left on this computer and this is how i am spending it.

katie and i weren't able to go to switzerland, but it's okay. we are here in nice instead. we went to the beach yesterday and it was so lovely... although... i was a little reminded of my life drawing class for a bit.

we are taking the overnight train (which has really been working out nicely and saving us loadsssss of money) to barcelona tonight. we will be there 2 nights then take another overnight train to paris and katie will fly home on wednesday and i will fly to scotland for a couple more days. i am excited to see all of you scottish people again, but i hope you will be able to excuse my dirty clothes!!! i would love to do some laundry right now. haha, but it's okay... katie and i are "mingin" together.

it is crazy to believe that this trip is coming to a close already, but it is going to rock to be back in my amazing america. i am also excited about starting school again-- i'm going to be sewing!!! yayyyy!!!!

but even though it is winding down i am still fully enjoying myself.
and i am so happy katie is here with me. it has been so much fun to get to know her better. we have been laughing a lot. she is really wonderful.

but i will be uploading pictures when i get home.

kara (wentz)-- i had gelatto in your honor while in italy!!!

don' let me forget to tell you all the story about walter. he was strange.

i'll see you all soon!!!


Monday, August 6, 2007

belgium! germany!

it is all happening very quickly. katie is here with me now and it has been absolutely "amazinnnn" as greg would say.

oh, and scottish friends: i have taught katie some of the vocabulary words you taught me when i was there.
another note to you all-- i will be back in dundee for like, a day! so i am excited tosee you all again!

i am in munich now, and we are currently unsure about the rest of our time here. but switzerland, venice, and barcelona will all happen.

love love love!


Wednesday, August 1, 2007


i'm in paris and i have been since sunday. it's fun.

i saw will and we hung out as soon as i got to paris for a couple hours. it was totally by chance that he was in paris from the weekend.
SO FUN. i loved seeing him.

i'm out of time.

katie come here tomorrow!!!! travel friends for two weeks!

Friday, July 27, 2007

my feet hurt!

i have been walking a lot.

and i also only have 5 minutes left on this computer.

i just wanted to say hi.
i am potentially very excited about something, but i won't let this information out yet.

i also really want to upload pictures to this computer, but i'm scared about losing them, so i'm not going to deal with it yet.
if you want to know what i've been seeing, then go to google images and type in things like:
big ben
the london eye
buckingham palace

and other things like that.
things have been fun.
i am excited for paris.

oh, and london people are nice, although i don't run across them too often.
this place is so culturly diverse it's absolutly out of control.
seriously, no one here was born here... i'm pretty sure.

and someone thought i was a local yesterday, he was from turkey and asked me directions.
then i said, "sorry, i have no idea" and he realized i wasn't a local.
he said i looked like a local, but i also looked like i could be from turkey.
i laughed and was on my way.

i wonder where i am from?
turkey? spain? italy?

who even knows!

one minute!!!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

it has started!!!!!!!

so i am writing here from london, and i am on a PC so please excuse any spelling errors i could possibly make.

hello hello hello. sorry if you have not heard from me over the past two weeks.
they have been nothing short of amazing. seriously. i LOVEDDDDDD scotland.
it's beautiful there, and there are some pretty amazing people there.

diaries was on sunday night, in a theater in dundee called "whitehall theater" and there were probably about 500 people there. i'm pretty sure that the event was successful. it went amazingly, the scottish people did so so good dancing in it too. and remember, they just had 5 short days to learn the dances they were in that we had already known for months and months! it was great!

but just being there was great.
to think that i have wanted to go there for sooo many years and the time finally came. it was the perfect time too.
it was also fun seeing the scots that had come to florida but i haven't seen since i was a little girl such as annie, stuart, and paul (and others).
annie brought in pictres last night, because we pulled an all nighter at the gate,from the summer that she was living in my house. i was TEN years old.
i looked like a little baby.

so today the americans went back home, with the addition of sameer to the group, and they have lost me from the group. i was very very nervous when they were leaving, so i definitely teared up a little bit. it's scary though! but jesus is totally protecting me. it's sweet.
i met this amazing lady today in the glasgow airport, she was such a lifesaver.
her name is kay, and she is an older lady. she's been married for 31 years, has 2 kids, a son who is 28 and a daughter who is 26. and she lives in glasgow, but her husband works in london so they kind of fly back and fourth.
well, she helped me out so much in getting to my destination today.
she was going pretty much the same direction as me, so she helped me figure out the trains, and we also went on the undergound, and then bam, i was at the hostel, and i only had to do about 10 minutes of the traveling alone.
i checked into ace hotel in kensington, and went up to my room. as i quietly opened the door (because i was being careful because you never know who could be in there) to my horror i found three boys asleep in that room!
yep. i am sharing a room with 3 other boys.

now, there are still 2 free beds, so everyone needs to pray that we get some girls in there or i will feel so awkward in there!
but it's okay... i'm tough... and i'll try to be in there as little as possible. ha.

for a little while i wasn't feeling so brave about this trip, and i am still feeling a little nervous about it, but i am starting to think it'll be okay. i may get a little confused and mixed up here and there, but everything will be okay.

i will post pictures as soon as i can on flickr.
that's if i didn't leave my camera cord in scotland, i don't think i did... but it could definitely be at the very bottom of my bag.

i am almost out of time on this computer for today.

until next time.
